Tuesday, July 16, 2013

SC4 Field Trip

What did you learn about SC4 today that you didn't already know? Did the speaker say anything about college that you never thought about before?


  1. no it was de same thing last year

  2. I didn't know that the dummies they use for the nursing class were so high tech.

  3. Today I learned that SC4 has recreational things to do on campus. Before I thought all they had was educational resources. The speaker didn't really tell me anything that I haven't thought about for college before.

  4. I did not learn anything new that I did not know. No, the speaker did not say anything I did not think of before.

  5. i learned that sc4 has fake fossils. the speaker didnt say anything new.

  6. I learned about the "go green" stuff that they are installing to help with creating and conserving energy. Other than that, nothing else was new.

  7. The speaker had told about what is also to come to St. Clair Community College, including the museum actually becoming a public museum soon. SC4 is truly trying to help with the community, and with helping people fully get the education they need to be successful in life. We were shown around campus and had seen the Hall of Fame, the very intense workshops that they have, including how they won first place for creating a car that would fully run from batteries.

  8. i learned that sc4 lead the way in michigan with alternitive energy

  9. It was really interesting to visit the campus. Honestly, I don't think anything he said was different from something I thought about before. It was really informative for people who didn't know the information before, though.

    I knew the basics about SC4, but really not much was learned from it. I understand the programs and benefits more. Unfortunately I already have a college in Boston that I am planning on going to, so SC4 really wasn't an option for me to think about. Overall it was interesting and informative.

  10. I've been to SC4 just about like 5 times and I'm going there in the fall, so I already knew everything they talked about today. I'm excited to start there in the fall!

  11. I learned a lot of new stuff about the college. The fact that it is partnered with Harvard and it runs on green energy are new things I did not know.

  12. The new thing that i learned about SC4 was about the simulator for nurses it's both creepy and pretty neat.
